FREE Download IC-CAP 2020 complete version of the Windows installation program independent installation program is controlling software measurements to model devices and parameters extraction. “> Kazija Genesys
Review Keysight iC-Cap 2020 advantages
iC-Cap (A program of characterization and analysis of an integrated circle) is an industrial standard for DC and RF modeling devices Extracts accurate compact models used in high-speed/digital, analog and network), Gali Nitrid (GAN) and many other IC-CAP technologies is the most advanced, adaptable moderation software and includes measuring tools, simulation, optimization and statistical analysis. Measurements for the characterization of the device or set of devices, and then the application of an algorithm for the extraction of the model parameter. The ultimate flexibility for creating and automation of measuring, extraction and checking procedures
- The key to extracting the key key to industrial standard CMOS models, such as BSIM3/BSIM4, PSP and Himim, minimize the learning curve and maximize the accuracy of the model
- The most left to commercial simulators ensure consistency between extracted models and simulators used by circle designers
Technical details and systemic requirements
- Supported OS: Windows 10/Windows 8.1/Windows 7
- Processor: Multi Core Intel Series or More, Xeon or AMD equivalent
- Ram: 4GB (8GB or more recommended)
- Free space with hard disk: 4GB or more recommended
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Kessight IC-Cap 2020.2 Download a complete free version
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